1. This particular cat had been digging through the lady's bins, then leaped out and attacked her legs when she went to put out some rubbish. Described as being grey and around 3ft long it appeared the cat was a large feral or stray cat, hadn't heard her approach and attacked when it suddenly noticed her almost on top of it. A few weeks previously a completely different cat, a little larger, had attacked the same lady when she bravely stepped in to stop it attacking a pet cat.
2. A few days later a series of media stories found their way to me, starting with the story of a 3ft feral, progressing to a 4ft "big cat" and culminating in a possible puma that had stalked the lady through the woods before charging after her and trying to drag her off to its lair - twice.
3. A few days on from the big cat publicity, Chinese whispers had led to internet blogs discussing the woman dragged off by a Scottish wildcat - putting our real, and almost extinct, wild feline in the undeserved position of blame and potential retaliation.
The media love tales of British big cats!
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