A iced coffee and kitten and fog.
- Married and Purr-baby: Baby Brie. FAVORITE THINGS: Coffee, Husband's pillow, Rain, Ocean, Jelly's, Real Letters, Dolphins, Pearls, Rustic Industrial, Creme Brulee, Fox, Cruelty Free, Raw Honey, Chopper Motorcycles, Introvert, Cast Iron, Bear, Black Comedy, Wolf, Manatees, Black Fishnets, Narwhals, My Bed, Norway (maternal grand-grandma), Horses, Clean Soft Straight Long Hair (men), Abalone, Guns, Paisley, Avocados, Bunnies, Sewing, Marzipan, Painting, Cats/Kittens, Whiskers (animals), Octopus, Dad's Whistle, Wood, Alfalfa, Snowflakes, Fog, Swans, Rocks, Owls, Moonstone, Norwegian sweaters, Great Pyrenees dog, Montmartre, Raccoon, Driftwood, Gardening, Bats, Curious, Macabre, Headstrong and Obstinate girl.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010

brought to you by Vicodin. There is nothing like stealing pills from a family member after an operation or a car wreck. I highly recommend pharmaceuticals that make you feel like you're sinking through the floor.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

1. This particular cat had been digging through the lady's bins, then leaped out and attacked her legs when she went to put out some rubbish. Described as being grey and around 3ft long it appeared the cat was a large feral or stray cat, hadn't heard her approach and attacked when it suddenly noticed her almost on top of it. A few weeks previously a completely different cat, a little larger, had attacked the same lady when she bravely stepped in to stop it attacking a pet cat.
2. A few days later a series of media stories found their way to me, starting with the story of a 3ft feral, progressing to a 4ft "big cat" and culminating in a possible puma that had stalked the lady through the woods before charging after her and trying to drag her off to its lair - twice.
3. A few days on from the big cat publicity, Chinese whispers had led to internet blogs discussing the woman dragged off by a Scottish wildcat - putting our real, and almost extinct, wild feline in the undeserved position of blame and potential retaliation.
The media love tales of British big cats!
Monday, April 19, 2010

I adore Vincent Van Gogh!!
Diagnoses that have been put forward include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, syphilis, poisoning from swallowed paints, temporal lobe epilepsy and acute intermittent porphyria. Any of these could have been the culprit and been aggravated by malnutrition, overwork, insomnia and a fondness for alcohol, especially absinthe.
Died largely unknown, at the age of 37, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
I could've saved him if I'd had a chance. *sigh*
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Winter, Mary Oliver
And the waves
gush pearls
from their snowy throats
as they come
over the moss-green,
glass-green roughage ---
as they crumble
on the incline
whatever they carry
in their invisible
and motherly
icy and plump
with waled shells,
for the gatherers
who come flying
on their long white wings---
who comes walking,
who comes muttering:
thank you,
old dainties,
dark wreckage,
coins of the sea
in my pockets
and plenty for the gulls
and the wind still pounding
and the sea still streaming in like a mother wild with gifts---
in this world I am as rich
as I need to be.