Stroke, Panic disorder, Acrophobia (heights), Lepidopteraphobia (moths), Ligyrophobia (fear of loud sounds), Claustrophobia (fear of enclosed confined spaces), Apiphobia (bees), Bipolar disorder, Anxiety disorder, Dorian Gray syndrome (excessive preoccupation with the individual’s own appearance), Grandiose delusions, Dependent personality disorder, Drugs (speed), Histrionic Personality Disorder, Drunkenness
Bipolar disorder, Androphobia (fear of men), Arachnophobia (spiders), Entomophobia (insects), Aviatophobia (fear of flying), Herpetophobia (reptiles), Dorian Gray syndrome (excessive preoccupation with the individual’s own appearance), Ophidiophobia (snakes), Osmophobia (fear of smells), Apiphobia (bees), Chirophophobia (bats), Musophobia (mice\rats), Schizophrenia, Anxiety disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, Neophobia (fear of new things), Dependent personality disorder
Dementophobia (fear of insanity), Patroiophobia (fear of heredity), Syngenesophobia (fear of relatives) :)